Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Friday, December 11, 2009

4 months old!

Connor turned 4 months old the weekend after Thanksgiving. He is now 14lbs 1 oz and standing tall at 26 inches. He still is in the 90th% for height and the 30th% for weight. He is doing great and growing just fine. He got another set of shots, which of course he was not a big fan of, but he did just fine.
That week my brother was visiting for Thanksgiving. We celebrated Connor's big 4-month mark by taking Connor on his first trip to the park. He LOVED every minute of it!! Thanks for spending time with us Uncle Moose - we can't wait to see you at Christmas!
A close up of my 4-month old baby...

First swing ride!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Take Flight

Connor had his first plane ride this month. We headed up to New Jersey over Veteran's Day, so he could finally meet everyone who didn't have a chance to come down to us when he was born. I was really excited because it's getting a little harder for my Nonni and Papi to fly and they desperately wanted to meet their great-grandson, so we headed off. I was a little apprehensive at first, but I realized that people with babies do have a life (that does occasionally consist of traveling). It also helped that Joanna has been my go-to person on all things baby (since she did have one first) and she has been on a plane with Will a few times. Her advice was perfect - "you only have to fly for the first time with him once". She was right, after the first leg of the trip, I felt soooo much better. Of course it helped that Connor was a perfect angel and that I had a mom, dad and 2 kids sitting with us who were so nice. People in general were AMAZINGLY helpful to me both in the airport and on the plane. I had random strangers offering to help with carry-on and pull my luggage from the turn style. It's amazing how a cute baby in a Bjorn will get people to do things for you. Anyway, like I said, Connor was just perfect on the flight - he ate during takeoff and slept all the way through the landing. The way back was almost as good, although he was a little hesitant to eat at first, but once he did he fell asleep and woke up right before we landed. I couldn't have asked for an easier "first time".

As for our visit, it was basically 5 days of my family just smothering him with love. He got to meet Nonni and Papi who just adore him. He met Sarah, Brandyn, and Kaylee (who equally adore him - so much so that Brandyn thought it was an absolute injustice that he had to go to school while Connor was in town), and he saw The Brennan's again and of course spent tons of time with Nonni, G-Pop and Uncle Moose. Then over the weekend (thanks to Sarah generously opening up her house to all the crazies that are my family), he got to meet the rest of the extended family This included cousin Zoe who showed me her iPhone full of pictures of Connor, as she admitted that she is obsessed with how cute he is. It was a great trip and I am soooo glad we went. Here's a few pictures with the family. Thanks everyone for making our trip so wonderful and taking the time out of your busy schedules to see us. We miss you guys already!

Proud Nonni and Papi

Brandyn and Kaylee

Spending one-on-one time with Tatie

All bundled up and ready for NJ weather

Connor so excited to see G-Pop

Uncle Moose and Connor (sporting his moose outfit)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monthly rewind

I admit I have been lacking in my posts recently and I apologize. Between having visitors in October and going back to work, I was a little distracted. Basically, I missed two major milestones in the last month. First off, I neglected to post Connor's 3 month old picture, so I wanted to make sure I get that out of the way.

Here he is on his 3rd month b-day (October 28, 2009):

Second, I wanted to share my back to work blues. I went back to work the last week of October. I had been dreading this day since the day I found out I was pregnant and sure enough it came too fast. I don't think anyone who hasn't been through it can truly understand how hard that first day is. Leaving Connor with someone else even for a few minutes is hard, let alone a full 8 hours (or more). I had been looking at daycare since I was 6 months pregnant and I finally chose one. La Petite Academy is about 2 minutes from our house and it was the only place that gave me a nice warm feeling when I went to visit. I figured my gut feeling was the only thing I had to go by since I have no prior experience in this area. I basically stopped sleeping the Saturday before his first day. I kept making lists in my mind of everything I needed to get ready. I would stress over how the day would go, would he cooperate with a schedule (something he isn't a big fan of sticking to), would he miss me, and more importantly would he remember me when I picked him up.

The drop off that first morning went somewhat smoothly. I was only 30 minutes late to work, which I thought was quite an accomplishment. However, the drop off was the only thing that went smooth. I got to work around 9:30, chatted with the girls for a few minutes and then went to lock myself in an office to pump (so far 0 minutes of actually work had been done). It wasn't until I broke out the contraption that I realized I forgot the all important containers that screw into the bottom of the pump to catch the milk. How could I have been completely prepared for 2 days with all Connor's stuff and completely forget what I needed. I immediately informed my boss that I had to leave (yes, still exactly 0 minutes of actual work). I ran to Target because we all know they carry EVERYTHING. However, on my way to Target another bump in the road...the first call from daycare. When I saw that number on my phone, I almost had a heart attack. My little angel had only been there 90 minutes and already a phone call?! The director was on the other end asking me if my son had ever taken a bottle before. I informed her that he has taken a bottle almost every night since he was 4 weeks old. She said that he simply refused to eat. The teacher had been trying for 20 minutes and he wouldn't take a drop of it. They told me not to worry just yet, they would keep trying and call me back in about 15 minutes. Needless to say 30 minutes later, another call. This one to tell me he finally started to eat. I could breathe a sigh of relief and continue shopping (still no working happening). I finally got back to work around 10:45am (completely engorged already) and ran to start to pump. 30 minutes later (still 0 minutes of actual work), I finally sat at my desk. Then, the tears started. I guess I had been so busy for the morning that it hadn't sunk in. I missed Connor so much. I wondered what he was doing, if he was ok, if someone was playing with him or picking him up when he was crying. I just cant describe how it felt, but it was a very yucky feeling. I just wanted to leave. I actually worked for a total of 2 hours that day and let me tell you it was the LONGEST 2 hours ever. When I picked him up he was just fine and clearly not as traumatized as I was.

I am happy to report that things have gotten easier. I don't cry when I drop him off anymore, so we are making progress. He seems to like Ms. Marie (his teacher) and smiles at her in the mornings, which makes me feel better. We also have already braved one cold and a slew of nebulizer treatments since it only took Connor 3 days at daycare to catch a bug. I still have yet to work a full day though (and we are on week 4 of being back to work now). I just cant seem to get through that 4 o'clock hour yet. It's like the cravings that people get for chocolate/sugar in the late afternoon, except I crave to see my baby again. Luckily, I have an AMAZING boss who not only has never once asked why I am late some days and leave early on others, but who now lets me work from home on Fridays. It is amazing what that extra day with Connor does. It makes me so happy to be able to have one extra full day with him besides Saturday and Sunday. I am sure each month will get easier until I hit the lottery and can finally stay home with him all the time!
Connor on his first day of school (October 26, 2009):

Saturday, November 7, 2009

That's how I roll!!

Back in September Connor rolled onto his side for the first time. Since then he has been trying to figure out how to get that little leg over and his arm out from underneath him. He has accomplished rolling over to his tummy on our bed, but I consider the bed cheating a little. He usually just pushes his weight down till he can get onto his belly. This morning however, he officially rolled over. We were playing on his play mat and he suddenly just did it. I, of course, squealed in delight and started cheering and clapping like a lunatic (as you can see by my son's face below, he thought I was acting like a nut too).

The best part is that I put him back on his back, so I could get my phone and call Mark and my parents and when I came back in the room, he was back on his tummy. He proceeded to do it 3 times. It's no fluke now...crawling here we come!

Monday, November 2, 2009

No more monkeying around

I have always loved Halloween. I am pretty sure it is because of the candy. I still went out trick or treating my senior year of high school and ever since then I have waited for the day I could go legitimately go out again. Saturday I was finally allowed b/c I have a little nugget of my own now. Connor was a monkey for Halloween and boy was he cute! We went out with his cousins Alyssa, Austin and Ali. Connor could not keep up with the big kids though; he made it all of 3 houses before falling asleep in my arms. Then 3 houses later his costume was complete off because lets face it, even on an October night in Florida, it was still too hot to keep on for long. Luckily, my mom was down for the weekend so that meant a TON of pictures. Here are my favs!
Right before we left to go trick or treating:

Exactly 3 houses later:

Monday, October 5, 2009

The next generation...

This weekend The Noon Family came down for a visit. I was soooo excited to finally meet Baby Will (who by the way is no longer a baby, but a walking, talking little man). Dave, Joanna, Will and Baby Nooner #2, arrived on Saturday and we all had a great time. Will is an adorable, always happy, little guy who taught me a thing or two about what I need to do to truly baby proof my house. He showed me those little outlet covers are a joke, and any truly gifted son of an engineer can pull them out of a wall in a matter of 2.2 seconds.

We were most excited to introduce the boys to each other. Joanna and I are convinced that they will be best of friends just like their daddies. Of course, in true Joanna fashion (this girl has more creativity in her pinky than I have in my entire body), she bought the boys matching shirts that show they are truly "the next generation" of buddies. The shenanigans have already begun, as both the boys decided to pee all over their sheets last night and then wake up extra early and extra fussy. Oh boy are we in for it with these two...

Monday, September 28, 2009

2 months!!

I can't believe how time flies, but my little peanut is 2 months old today. We had a doctor's appointment and Connor is now 11lbs 5 oz and 24 1/2 inches tall. He has discovered his thumb in the past week and he can roll over onto one side. He is getting to be so much fun since he has started to smile a lot more too! Here are a few pictures of my little man...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Say cheese

Connor is not like his mother at all...he is actually in a good mood in the morning. I took advantage of this the other day and tried to capture his happiness on film. I was successful! I got the first picture of my little man's smile. It melts my heart and I am sure he will melt the hearts of many ladies over the years, but for now he is all mine and I ADORE him!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

One month already!?!

Believe it or not Connor turned one month old on Friday. As some of you know, unfortunately we spent almost the last ten days in the hospital while Connor recovered from a bacterial infection (salmonella). We (including the doctors) have no idea how he got it, but he had to remain in the hospital on IV antibiotics until his one month birthday. Needless to say this milestone was huge for us because we could finally all go home. The one thing I did learn when you are confined to a 10x10 room with an infant, all day and night, is how to entertain him with nothing but your voice and horribly ridiculous dance moves. Without the bells and whistles of fancy bouncers and swings I learned a lot of songs (most of which I made up) and read lots of books to him. It was not exactly how I wanted to bond with Connor, but Ill take the quality time none the less.

Here are some pictures of my little man on his one month birthday:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Clean as a whistle

Today was an exciting day in the Power household. First, Connor lost his umbilical cord this morning during one of his many, many feedings (this child is an animal). Right after that, we decided to give him his first official bath. Thank goodness my mom is around because bathing a baby is a two person job. I also credit Dave with my skills at bathing - he taught me a few weeks ago what NOT to do when I saw pics of Dave bathing Will (fully clothed). Connor started out not liking anything about the bath, but by the time we moved to his back he seemed to be ok being naked. This is no surprise to me because he is always trying to get out of his swaddles, clothes, and anything else we put on him.
Below are a few pictures of the big event:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Introducing Connor Joseph Power

As most of you know we welcomed our son, Connor Joseph Power, to the world on Tuesday, July 28th at 4:18am. He was exactly 8lbs and 21 1/4 inches and he is beautiful! We are completely in love and so happy that our little man has finally arrived, healthy and happy.

So here are the details of the big day and the time leading up to that moment where I fell hopelessly in love with my son.
I actually worked all day Monday (while I was in labor) because I really thought I just had gas pains. It wasn't till I actually started timing the "gas pains" when I got home that I realized we may be on our way to baby day. I called my doctor when my contractions were around 4-7 minutes apart. They weren't ever a consistent 5 minutes apart, but they were getting stronger and stronger each time. At around 8pm, I spoke to Dr. Newman and let him know what was happening. He told me to stay home as long as I could so I would be comfortable, but he called the hospital to let them know we would be on our way sometime that night. I stayed home for another hour and a half, but the contractions were getting really strong, so we headed off to the hospital. After a quick stop at Burger King (big surprise - Mark was hungry), we got to the hospital and were admitted. At first check, I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart. We thought we were on our way to a pretty nice and easy delivery. Then, I am really not sure what happened. I got my epidural around midnight. Shortly after that, my blood pressure began to drop and then Connor's heart rate dropped. The doctors and nurses tried to stabilize us both with medication and we would stabilize for a bit, but then his heart rate would drop again. I have to say, I really wasn't concerned till I realized that my OB had been sitting by my bedside for almost an hour just watching the machine. He, of course, was completely calm the entire time, which was incredibly reassuring to Mark and I. After 3 hours of trying to stabilize us, I was checked again and only progressed to 4 cm. Once Dr. Newman saw that, he sat down to talk with Mark and I. He said he couldn't really understand why we were having trouble or why the baby was in distress, but he really felt that this labor would be a very long one and one that the baby may not do so well through that. You could really tell he cared and agonized over the decision, but he felt that a c-section was our safest option for a healthy baby and healthy mom. I told him whatever he felt was best was what we would do...after all a healthy baby is the goal. Once it was decided, I have never seen people move so quickly in my life. It felt like literally a minute that Mark was throwing on scrubs, I was being prepped and rolled down the hall. Now, having a c-section is an unreal experience. You are awake, see things going on around you and yet all the while you cant feel your body. It felt like maybe 5 minutes once it all began to the point where I heard that little cry. Dr. Newman asked Mark if he wanted to stand and announce our baby and Mark did just that. He turned to me and said "It's a boy", then added "he has a lot if hair". I immediately started crying (like I am again right now). It was the single most amazing moment of my life and I cannot explain to anyone how in love I was before I even laid eyes on him. Dr. Newman did discover meconium once they got Connor out, which reassured him that we made the right decision by getting him out sooner rather than trying to deliver naturally. The nurses cleaned up Connor and whisked him off to monitor his heart. I literally got to see him for about 1 minute, which was so hard because all you want to do is hold him. I went to recovery for about an hour and then they put us in our room. It was about 3 hours before Connor got to come to the room with us and those were the LONGEST 3 hours of my life. I was so exhausted, but could not sleep because I was so excited to see him again and hold him and kiss him. Once he arrived I got to breastfeed him right away. From that point on he never left my side (except to get his weight checked and have his little man procedure). Even now that we are home, I miss him when he goes down for a nap. I could literally hold him and cuddle for days on end. This feeling is indescribable, but I can tell you I have never been so in love.

I cannot end this post until I mention the other godsend in all this - my parents and brother. They have been an amazing help to Mark and I. I cannot imagine how we would have gotten through this first week without them! I love you guys and I know Connor adores you already!! Thank you for everything!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trip to the butcher

No, I didn't go buy some delicious cuts of beef for dinner; I got a haircut! A very, very bad haircut!
This morning I woke up on a mission. I decided I needed a haircut and a pedicure before the baby comes. My hair has been growing at an insane rate recently and my ponytail was so long it went down my back (I don't think I should have even been able to call it a ponytail anymore when it's that long). I couldn't take another minute of it, so I got up this morning and went off. I went to a place right in Boca that I have never been to before - all because I didn't feel like driving all the way to my normal place. This is where I made my mistake. Lazy does not equal nice haircut. I had asked for about 2 inches off, but as she continued to cut I realized that either she is very bad at math or she and I have a very different perception of how much 2 inches actually is. It got to a point where I had to stop her to tell that I really thought we had passed 2 inches. She simply replied, "yes, I know, but I cant seem to get your curls to be even." OK, I didn't go to cosmetology school, but last I checked curls are never even...they are CURLS. They bounce up and will never be straight across no matter how much you cut them. I decided that she needed to be stopped before I had the same haircut as my brother and politely asked her to please stop cutting. Now, the cut itself may actually look cute on someone with pin straight hair who weighs about 50 lbs less than I do, but on me...not so much! I now have hair that doesn't even come close to grazing my shoulders and I look like I belong on That 70's Show. Of course, the first sign of a terrible haircut is that you have to leave the hair salon and head immediately home b/c you refuse to go out in public till you can fix what the butcher did. I am still home, trying to figure it out and I may be here for days working on this. I refuse to share any pictures of me right now, but I just wanted you all to be aware, so when you see the pictures of me with my beautiful baby, you wont be shocked by the ridiculous haircut that I am sporting. I do feel a little like Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias now, but sadly I ended up with a "mommy cut" before I am even officially a mommy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Status Quo

I wish I had more exciting news to post, but alas I do not. Today was my 39 week appointment and I found out nothing has changed from last week. The baby appears to be very comfortable exactly where he/she. If nothing happens in the next week, I will waddle my way back to the doctor for an ultrasound. They are going to check to make sure the baby is still thriving and getting the nutrients he/she needs and from there we make a decision on whether to induce or not. My doc said that if everything looks good in the womb and I haven't made any progress then he would be hesitant to induce since that may mean a very long labor that goes nowhere and ends in a c-section. So for now we wait and see what happens. Hopefully, this little peanut of mine will decide on it's own in the next week that he/she ready for its big debut!

Sorry for the self portrait, but Mark is working late and I may very well be sleeping before he gets home to take a picture.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Going nowhere

I went to the doctor today for my 38 week checkup and so far we are going nowhere (except back to the doctor in a week). I am exactly ZERO cm dilated, although the doctor tells me that doesn't mean anything and I could still go into labor tomorrow. I think this is yet another thing they tell you to make you feel better, especially when it is over 100 degrees in the middle of July and you are HUGE! So for now, we just wait, but I will take any suggestions on how to get this show on the road!!

PS - this is probably the WORST picture I have ever taken, but so many of you keep insisting I post a new picture. My face now looks about as big as my belly and I look like I haven't slept in weeks (although in my defense, I have not slept "well" in weeks).

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pack it up, pack it in, let the countdown begin...

So we are finally in the last month!! Yesterday, officially marked week 36 and we are now in countdown mode at our house. I went to the doctor today and everything went very well. The baby is in the head down position, although that doesn't stop those arms and legs from kicking away at my ribcage. It is amazing to actually see the baby shift from one side of my stomach to another. I will never get tired of that feeling and I realize I should treasure every moment now because before I know it, this little one will finally be here. Last week at my appointment the doctor told me to pack a bag, so I did, and we are all ready to go whenever this child decides to bless us with his/her presence. I still can't believe that sometime in the VERY near future, we are going to be parents!

I realize I haven't posted an actual belly shot in a while, so for those of you that requested it...enjoy!

36 weeks

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thank heaven, for grandparents

This past weekend my mom and dad came down to visit. I have never seen two people work so hard and still have so much fun. We finally put together the nursery and it came out GREAT!! There is NO WAY Mark and I could have done all of that without my parents, so I thank you both from the bottom of my heart!! In the midst of all that hard work we took a little time out to go to my doctor's appointment where they got to hear the heartbeat of their first grandchild! It was a great weekend overall and I still cannot believe my little peanut will be here in just a few weeks.

Here are a couple of pics of the nursery...we love it!

Baby's first library

Crib all ready to go

Artwork (thanks to Papi) and an amazing border (thanks to my Buddy)

Dresser/Changing table

Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby Shower - Take Two!

Last week, my two bestest girls at work (Barbrie and Jenn) threw me a beautiful baby shower. I was completely surprised, which luckily no one caught on film (because I have been told I was as red as red can get). They worked so hard to pull it all together and I love them for it! I honestly could not work with two better girls that I feel lucky to call my friends. I got lots of adorable stuff and some definite necessities that I didn't have yet, so it was a great day. Plus I think I had the most amazing piece (who am I kidding "pieces") of cake I have ever tasted.

B and Jenn made this; complete with the softest little stuffed animals

Ice cream cake from ColdStone - if you haven't had one yet, go and get one!

I thought they only did this at bridal showers, but I was wrong

Thank you Auntie B and Auntie Jenn, you guys are the BEST!!! XOXO!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Horray for Hollywood

No, we aren't moving to Cali, but Hollywood might be coming to us. At my doctor's appointment today my doctor was asking lots of questions, which is weird for him because he doesn't talk much normally. After a few minutes of talking about birth plans, epidurals, and labor, he said he wanted to "throw an idea out to me". At this point I really had no clue where he was going with this statement...did he have some crazy experimental plan for my child's birth? He said he had been asked to be on "A Baby Story" and was looking for a couple who would want to do the show with him. He said they needed someone who was due at the end of July, so he was trying to think of a few of his patients who he thinks would be good for the show and may be willing to do it. I was excited because as you can imagine I am addicted to all the baby shows now, but I assumed Mark would want no part of it. I told Dr. Newman I would talk it over with my other half and get back to him. When I left the office and called Mark, he was surprisingly all for it! (He seems to think his humor will translate well on TV and soon enough we will be signing our "Mark and Bianica, plus 1" contract with TLC). So needless to say, I called the office this afternoon and told them that we would be interested. I know Dr. Newman said he needed a few options, so we may not be the chosen ones, but its worth a shot. We will keep you posted on our small screen debut (if it happens) but in the meantime - baby and I are doing great and moving right along. Less than 8 weeks till the due date and whether all of America watches this little miracle or it's just Mark and I in L&D; I will be thrilled to finally meet him/her!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Up close and personal

Today we had our 3D ultrasound, thanks to my wonderful co-workers, who gave it to me as my birthday gift last month. I scheduled it for Mother's Day weekend and it was the greatest gift I could have gotten. As you will see from the succession of pictures below, my baby is nothing if not determined. The baby just had to show us how good he/she is at sucking its thumb. Well, I don't have to write much, since these pictures speak for themselves...THEY ARE AMAZING!!

Since most of you got to see me last weekend and now you have an up close look at Baby Power, make sure you cast your vote for boy or girl!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April Showers...bring presents!!

Well, technically the shower was on May 2nd, but I couldn't come up with a name for this post. As most of you know, this past weekend was baby shower weekend! I had a great time in Jersey and my mom threw me the most beautiful shower (thank you also to Coleen for your house and your help)! I posted a few pictures below of the festivities. Thank you everyone for coming and for all your generosity. I wish I could have taken everything back here with me (in due time it will all be here), but a few items did get jammed into my carry on. Among them...the baby's first Red Sox and Patriots Jerseys, an adorable Winnie the Pooh robe, the softest blanket I have ever felt, the sweater and booties Nonni knitted, and the "party at my crib" onesie. I cant wait to start to set up the nursery!!

4 generations (including the little one in the belly)

My sister-in-law Lynne

Mom and Coleen showing me the room

Britt and Alex
Nonni and Kerri
Sweater knitted by Nonni
Baby's first Red Sox Jersey