This morning I had another doctor's appointment and I don't know about you, but it seems like FOREVER since my last one. I get very excited/nervous in between appointments and once I go I am on cloud 9!! Today, we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, which was one of the coolest things I have ever heard. For those of you that don't know, it's like a whooshing (if that is a word) thumping and it goes much faster than I ever would have expected. Unfortunately, this time I don't have any pictures to post of the baby, but I can promise from the story below, that this is definitely our child.
For those of you that don't know, my immediate family lovingly (a.k.a. sarcastically) refers to me as "morning glory" due to my ability to be a complete grouch when I wake up. Well, for all the years I yelled at my mother when she tried to wake me up for school (and the one time I "supposedly" made a gesture at her, as if I was going to choke her, if she didn't get away from me when she was trying to wake me up from the couch one night), I may get my payback in the years to come...
So the doctor asked if we wanted to take a quick look at the baby, so out came that freezing cold gel and across my belly it went. This time the baby was laying on it's side with it's back facing us. It was actually cool to see the baby's spine and rib cage - who knew you could see the skeleton! Anyway, the doctor tried to poke and prod the baby to flip around so we could see his/her face, but all my child did was back kick it's little leg at the doctor as if to say "hey, I don't know what you are all up to out there, but I am trying to sleep here! Leave me alone!" Maybe it was too early or maybe (and more likely) I have a little me on my hands, but either way I couldn't stop smiling and I am soooooo excited to meet him/her!!
I promise I will post a new "belly" picture this weekend, as I am being harassed by everyone.
**Quick edit to the above story. I just got home from work and as Mark and I were talking about the events of the morning, apparently I missed a key baby snub this morning. Mark said that as the doctor started to get the picture to come up the baby was actually facing us and he saw the baby's face (I missed this part because I was lying flat and there was a glare on the screen till the doc tilted it for me). Well, Mark said the baby did a quick turn around the second we started poking around and gave us his/her ass to look at instead. Now, I am CONVINCED that the baby is Mark's (not that there was ever any doubt)!