Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Got, sugar?

Today I went for my monthly appointment and my glucose screening test. At first, I didn't think the sugar filled drink tasted that bad, but halfway through the bottle I was praying I wouldn't gag, upchuck, and have to start over. I made it through and should have the results in about two days. Let's hope all is well.

As for the appointment, all went well and the baby and I are doing just fine. The baby was moving like crazy after getting his/her sugar shock and the heartbeat sounded wonderful, as usual. After my appointment, I decided to start checking out day care places around our house. All I can say about that is...are you sure you don't want to be a snowbird, Nonni? Living in Florida for the winter isn't so bad. PLEASE!!

Below are pictures from today. I am officially just over 26 weeks now.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are you there God? It's me Bianica

I am sure this may be "TMI" for most of you, but I don't think anyone can understand how much this monumental occasion means to me. On Friday, I went shopping - what for you ask? New bras!!!! Yes, 18 years after chanting over and over "I must, I must, I must increase my bust" - it finally happened! All it took was one little baby and BOOM, up a cup size we go! I don't know how long this will last, but trust me I am going to enjoy every moment of it!

Just a quick side note, (all the while keeping with the theme of this post), we went to a breastfeeding class this weekend. Yes, I dragged Mark with me, but both of us thought the class was very informative. The more I learn and prepare for what I know may be a difficult task, the better I feel about our success!!