Time seriously flies!! I cannot believe we are less than a month away from my baby's FIRST birthday!! He is really starting to grow into "toddlerhood" now. He is talking up a storm (although none of it sounds like English yet), he can high-five, shake his head "no" (thanks a lot, Big Bird), clap, feed the dog (and then crack up when Mayhem licks his little hand clean), and use his little walker to move from room to room. There is part of me that REALLY wants him to walk (I know, I'll regret saying that when I have to chase him), but he hates being carried and always demands to get down. He cruises around everything, but he has yet to be daring enough to let go and take those first steps on his own. I guess we will see if he decides to step out on his own this month.
Connor 11 months big!
Using his walker from the wrong side
My little toddler