I am hoping this is it: a new beginning, a turning point.
Tonight I realized (when Connor was trying to stab his food with a spoon) that perhaps he doesn't hate to eat, he just hates when I feed him. He was enjoying dinner more than he ever has tonight. This is probably b/c I started "dinner" with a piece of Uncle Tommy's pound cake. Let me say this about the pound cake - there is not a person in the world who has eaten it that will say it is anything other than the most delicious cake you have EVER tasted and it was clear that Connor agreed. He didn't eat it, he INHALED it! Seeing as he was on a roll, I figured I'd go with it and try to throw some ham and cheese in the mix. That's when I gave Connor a fork and discovered this may be the way to get him to eat. He was so excited and so proud when he actually got the food in his mouth! It was just too cute not to share.
Here's hoping that we have just embarked on a new path towards loving food as much as his mommy and daddy do!!
Christmas Eve

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Say cheese!
Waaaaaayyyy back when I was pregnant, I got a gift certificate to a local portrait studio from my cousins Beth and Lauren. Unfortunately, back in January when I went to make an appointment for Connor's 6 month pictures, I found out the place had closed down. Lucky for us, they were bought out by another company and recently re-opened. They were nice enough to honor the gift certificate, so we decided to get some 1 year old portraits taken this past weekend. It turns out my son, even with two teeth coming in simultaneously, is quite the ham. Despite the fact it was late in the day (smack in the middle of witching hour, in fact) he did really well and we got some really cute pictures.
When we make our trek up North (in exactly 9 days - YEAH), we will come with pictures in hand. Till then, here's a sneak preview!
My baby

Here comes trouble...

Everyone's favorite Pats fan!

A collection of the many faces of Connor
When we make our trek up North (in exactly 9 days - YEAH), we will come with pictures in hand. Till then, here's a sneak preview!
My baby

Here comes trouble...

Everyone's favorite Pats fan!

A collection of the many faces of Connor

Monday, August 30, 2010
Moving on Up
Today, Connor is officially transitioning into the toddler room at preschool! He had to be fully walking in order to move into the "big kid" room and since he has taken off, he is all set to go. This, of course, means he leaves his beloved Ms. Marie. Marie has been a working moms dream! She is the sweetest, most loving, caring infant teacher I could have possible asked for and I am so upset he isn't going to be with her everyday. Luckily, she will be right down the hall and helping him through this transition.
This all means that my little man is growing up (I know, he's only 13 months), but to see your little baby walking around does a number on your heart. I know how fast time goes by, so I am just going to fully enjoy every single moment. I just ADORE him!!
Ready, set...

And there he goes!
This all means that my little man is growing up (I know, he's only 13 months), but to see your little baby walking around does a number on your heart. I know how fast time goes by, so I am just going to fully enjoy every single moment. I just ADORE him!!
Ready, set...
And there he goes!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Stepping out
I have been trying to post video of Connor walking for weeks now and today I finally got it to upload. I wanted to capture the early days when he was still walking around like baby frankenstein and extra cautious about each step.
(Now if I could only get it to rotate) AGGGHHHH!!!!
(Now if I could only get it to rotate) AGGGHHHH!!!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Cake Boss
There was no convincing Connor that the cake smashing thing was fun (or yummy for that matter). My son is a HUGE texture kid. If he doesn't like the way it feels, he will NOT eat it. Needless to say, he didnt eat much of his cake, but he still managed to cover his hands (and my shirt) in icing.
Oh the horror! How dare they give me a cake!

Seriously inspecting this "thing"

Not a fan of the texture

Finally, taking a taste
Oh the horror! How dare they give me a cake!

Seriously inspecting this "thing"

Not a fan of the texture

Finally, taking a taste

Monday, August 2, 2010
Fun to be ONE!!
It has been a week long celebration in the Power household for our little man's 1st birthday!! Connor turned the BIG O-N-E last Wednesday and we spent the day with Nonni, G-Pop, and Uncle Moose. I was so happy that my dad was able to come 2 days earlier than scheduled so he could be there on his actual birthday. To top it all off, Connor amazed us all when he took his very FIRST STEPS (2 to be exact) towards his G-Pop on the morning of his birthday. As a working mother, I have dreaded the day where I would pick him up from daycare and they would give me the good news that he took his first steps (and then I would cry b/c I missed it). I love my baby for taking the leap when I was home to see and it was just an extra treat that my parents and brother got to be there too!!!!
As for his actual birthday, we spent a lazy morning around the house and then went out to lunch. As soon as Mark got home we did his birthday cake and presents. My mom has the classic cake smashing pictures on her camera, so Ill share those in another post, but here are some of my one year old on his birthday! I cant believe its been a year already and it has by far been the best year of my life!!
He's a big boy now

and not afraid to let us know how he really feels

His laugh is still contagious

which make us the luckiest parents in the world
As for his actual birthday, we spent a lazy morning around the house and then went out to lunch. As soon as Mark got home we did his birthday cake and presents. My mom has the classic cake smashing pictures on her camera, so Ill share those in another post, but here are some of my one year old on his birthday! I cant believe its been a year already and it has by far been the best year of my life!!
He's a big boy now

and not afraid to let us know how he really feels

His laugh is still contagious

which make us the luckiest parents in the world

Monday, July 19, 2010
Well, he may not know how to say much yet, but he knows when he (or the dog) has done something wrong.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Put me in the Zoo
The 4th of July here was a wash out. I know we live in Florida, so we have sunshine A LOT and I shouldn't complain, but it really stinks when you get a long weekend and it rains for almost all of it. On Monday, we decided to venture out to the Miami Zoo and take our chances with the rain. It turned out to be the perfect day. It never really rained, but the sun never came out, which was great because we were able to walk around without sweating our you know whats off. Connor was such a good boy too! We saw lots of animals, did lots of people watching, and he rode his first merry-go-round!
Ready for the long car ride
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Countdown to ONE!
Time seriously flies!! I cannot believe we are less than a month away from my baby's FIRST birthday!! He is really starting to grow into "toddlerhood" now. He is talking up a storm (although none of it sounds like English yet), he can high-five, shake his head "no" (thanks a lot, Big Bird), clap, feed the dog (and then crack up when Mayhem licks his little hand clean), and use his little walker to move from room to room. There is part of me that REALLY wants him to walk (I know, I'll regret saying that when I have to chase him), but he hates being carried and always demands to get down. He cruises around everything, but he has yet to be daring enough to let go and take those first steps on his own. I guess we will see if he decides to step out on his own this month.
Connor 11 months big!
Using his walker from the wrong side
Monday, June 14, 2010
You make bath time lots of fun
One of my most favorite times of day with Connor is bath time. He LOVES the water and even if he is in the worst mood beforehand, a quick dip in a bath and he is all smiles. The other night I just happened to have my camera in the bathroom. I have no idea why it ended up there, but as most parents know, you tend to put things down in the most random of places when running after your infant. Anyway, I snapped a few pictures and wanted to share.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Perfect 10
My little man turned 10 months old yesterday!! We celebrated with another trip to the doctor for...take a guess...poop. I am happy to report that he didn't loose any weight despite not keeping much of anything in him this last week. He is feeling much better now and is back to his old "not sleeping" self (more on that in a future post). We had a nice quiet weekend and Connor got to go swimming with his cousins again. Even though it always feels like summer in Florida, Memorial Day will always be the start of summer for me. Which only means my munchkin's 1st birthday is right around the corner! We can't wait!
Pulling all the toys out at once is his favorite thing

but he flashes his "up to no good" smile and I cant help but laugh
Pulling all the toys out at once is his favorite thing
but he flashes his "up to no good" smile and I cant help but laugh
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I have coined this week "poopapalooza". I assume you can deduce why. My poor kid has never had an easy time with digestion. In fact, he eats prunes 4 times a week to help him in that area, so you can imagine my shock when the complete opposite hit home this week. I could not have ever imagined that so much poop could come out of someone so little. So on this, the eve of munchkin's 10 month birthday, my wish for him is a poop free day tomorrow. I am sure he needs a break, after all he has been putting on quiet a show for 3 days now.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Always room for a lefty on the roster
So it seems to me that Connor has a preference for his left hand. We have noticed that he favors picking things up with his left hand and eating with his left hand. Although possibly most important, he throws with his left hand. Mark continues to remind him, as he cheers him on when Connor throws toys around the room, "there's always room on the roster for a lefty." Who knows if he will be left handed, or in our dreams, be a left-handed pitcher for the Red Sox, but he already looks ADORABLE in his hat and jersey!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
To wean or not to wean, that is the question
Disclaimer: this post will contain discussion on breastfeeding, hormones, emotions, and other "womanly" topics, so if you are not even comfortable with the aforementioned words please click here www.espn.com to get your dose of testosterone and do not read any further.
That being said, Connor is officially weaned and has been for a month now. This decision did not come easily. In fact, I probably should have made it sooner, but I simply could not let go. Ill start this by going back to the beginning, mostly for my own record because I am sure I will not even remember half of this by the time baby #2 comes (years from now; don't get excited Mom). I was naive when I was pregnant and truly thought that breastfeeding would be a breeze. After all, it was the most natural thing to do. Our bodies are made to do it and it will come to me and baby easily. LIE. Breastfeeding is not easy. It's the opposite actually. It is hard, very hard. It is a lot of work. There is no book or class that can prepare you for it. I feel that way and I consider myself one of the lucky ones; I had it pretty easy.
Connor gave me no trouble at all. He latched perfectly from the first time and I never had any major issues. I did, however, have an ass for a pediatrician, who at Connor's week 2 appointment made me feel like I was inadequate. Connor was back to exactly birth weight by week 2, which is all they ask for. This was not good enough for our pediatrician who wanted him at half a pound over birth weight and he told me to supplement. Being the scared 1st time mother I was, I did just that. Something I will always regret, but I did it none the less. I didn't give him much, maybe 2oz-3oz of formula at night, but I still wish I never did. After I fired said pediatrician when Connor was a month old (that's a whole other story), I started believing in myself a little more. It also helped that I was going to a breastfeeding support group every week. I truly believe that was the best thing I ever did. Not only did I learn from it, but I never felt alone. I could go there and spew all my fears and have 10 other women who understood EXACTLY what I was saying. It also gave me a place to go. I could get out of the house and go somewhere that it was perfectly acceptable to breastfeed and no one cared if your baby cried. Plus, I could weigh Connor every week to make sure he was gaining weight. This did wonders for the anxiety I had over never having enough. He was always fine. He never gained much, but it was always good enough. He was a wicked slow eater though and he would take his sweet time. This was the exhausting part. He would eat for an hour, then 2 hours later (if not sooner) eat again. I felt like that was pretty much all I did all day and night - and it was. My days were consumed by breastfeeding and so were the nights, but I really never minded that much because I was glad I was even able to do it.
When I was on maternity, we did ok. I always worried that he was still hungry or I didn't have enough for him (thanks Dr. Amoretti), but we made it through. Then I went back to work. At first things were good. I was pumping and I was getting enough for all his bottles at daycare by pumping 3 times at work (every 3 hours). This is a job in and of itself. I am so lucky to have a boss that didn't care that an hour and a half of my day was spent attached to a pump in a locked office (sometimes his office when I had nowhere else to go). Again, I had it easy. Pumping was annoying and I hated every minute of it, but I did it. After about a month, Connor started demanding more in his bottles and "the girls" could not keep up. I would have to add another pump in at night in order to make sure he had enough bottles for daycare. I did this for a while. Then around month 6, I could not even keep up by doing another pump, so he got one bottle of formula at school. I still kept pumping. I would lug that thing into work everyday with the little cooler and all the parts and keep on pumping. Then I started getting less and less at each session. It got to the point, where I would pump for 20 minutes and get an ounce and a half TOTAL!!!! It was at this point that I decided this had to stop. It was downright depressing. Every time I saw that, I wanted to cry. I was doing so much work and I was getting nothing. I was letting down my baby and I couldn't figure out why my body was letting me down. I started giving him bottles of formula at school, but still breastfeeding when I was with him. This, however, was not going well either. He would get extremely frustrated with me and literally pound at my chest to get more of a let down. He would fling his head back and cry. I started trying to pump all the time and give him breast milk in a bottle, so I would know he was getting enough to be full. This did not last long either, as I would need to pump twice to get one bottle, so I would still have to supplement. I decide in month 7 that this whole charade had to end. My body wasn't producing enough and my son was not happy; therefore I was not happy. After a long email chain with Joanna, she helped me realize that it was OK to stop. I had done my best and gave my son a great start. I slowly started to feel proud instead of wanting to cry everyday (which is how I felt every single day since I went back to work).
I started weaning him in March and it did not take long at all. This only affirmed my decision to stop. I barely felt engorged. I cut out feedings after a day or two and soon we were completely weaned, except for the early morning feed. I could not stop everything just yet. I couldn't let go, so I would get him when he woke up around 5-5:30am and bring him to my bed and feed him. I knew that I didn't have much left in there, but he didn't need much at that time. We both sort of did it more for comfort than for nutrition. However, we stopped that by the end of March too and by the time I went to Jersey for my birthday we were all done. No pump to pack, no breastfeeding wrap for the plane. Just me, my happy little man, and his bottles.
Now, I anxiously await the return of "my friend" and have already seen my hormones fiercely out of whack. I was downright nasty two weeks ago to everyone and I could feel myself having no patience with anyone or anything. I hope this doesn't last too long because I may loose my job and husband if it does, but this is just another thing to add to the joys of being a woman.
I must say for all the crap that us women deal with, I wouldn't trade it for anything because we are lucky enough to be able to be mothers. I got to experience pregnancy, which is a phenomenon like no other. I carried Connor and nurtured him for 9 months. I gave birth to him and cannot even explain how amazing it is to feel an instant love for someone. I will spend the rest of my life nurturing, loving, teaching, and caring for him and I consider myself the luckiest person in the world for that. So bring on the hormones and crazy emotions because I am lucky enough to be a mother (to the most amazing little man) and experience everything that comes along with it.
I know it's about a week early, but Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are as lucky I as I am.
And boy am I lucky...
That being said, Connor is officially weaned and has been for a month now. This decision did not come easily. In fact, I probably should have made it sooner, but I simply could not let go. Ill start this by going back to the beginning, mostly for my own record because I am sure I will not even remember half of this by the time baby #2 comes (years from now; don't get excited Mom). I was naive when I was pregnant and truly thought that breastfeeding would be a breeze. After all, it was the most natural thing to do. Our bodies are made to do it and it will come to me and baby easily. LIE. Breastfeeding is not easy. It's the opposite actually. It is hard, very hard. It is a lot of work. There is no book or class that can prepare you for it. I feel that way and I consider myself one of the lucky ones; I had it pretty easy.
Connor gave me no trouble at all. He latched perfectly from the first time and I never had any major issues. I did, however, have an ass for a pediatrician, who at Connor's week 2 appointment made me feel like I was inadequate. Connor was back to exactly birth weight by week 2, which is all they ask for. This was not good enough for our pediatrician who wanted him at half a pound over birth weight and he told me to supplement. Being the scared 1st time mother I was, I did just that. Something I will always regret, but I did it none the less. I didn't give him much, maybe 2oz-3oz of formula at night, but I still wish I never did. After I fired said pediatrician when Connor was a month old (that's a whole other story), I started believing in myself a little more. It also helped that I was going to a breastfeeding support group every week. I truly believe that was the best thing I ever did. Not only did I learn from it, but I never felt alone. I could go there and spew all my fears and have 10 other women who understood EXACTLY what I was saying. It also gave me a place to go. I could get out of the house and go somewhere that it was perfectly acceptable to breastfeed and no one cared if your baby cried. Plus, I could weigh Connor every week to make sure he was gaining weight. This did wonders for the anxiety I had over never having enough. He was always fine. He never gained much, but it was always good enough. He was a wicked slow eater though and he would take his sweet time. This was the exhausting part. He would eat for an hour, then 2 hours later (if not sooner) eat again. I felt like that was pretty much all I did all day and night - and it was. My days were consumed by breastfeeding and so were the nights, but I really never minded that much because I was glad I was even able to do it.
When I was on maternity, we did ok. I always worried that he was still hungry or I didn't have enough for him (thanks Dr. Amoretti), but we made it through. Then I went back to work. At first things were good. I was pumping and I was getting enough for all his bottles at daycare by pumping 3 times at work (every 3 hours). This is a job in and of itself. I am so lucky to have a boss that didn't care that an hour and a half of my day was spent attached to a pump in a locked office (sometimes his office when I had nowhere else to go). Again, I had it easy. Pumping was annoying and I hated every minute of it, but I did it. After about a month, Connor started demanding more in his bottles and "the girls" could not keep up. I would have to add another pump in at night in order to make sure he had enough bottles for daycare. I did this for a while. Then around month 6, I could not even keep up by doing another pump, so he got one bottle of formula at school. I still kept pumping. I would lug that thing into work everyday with the little cooler and all the parts and keep on pumping. Then I started getting less and less at each session. It got to the point, where I would pump for 20 minutes and get an ounce and a half TOTAL!!!! It was at this point that I decided this had to stop. It was downright depressing. Every time I saw that, I wanted to cry. I was doing so much work and I was getting nothing. I was letting down my baby and I couldn't figure out why my body was letting me down. I started giving him bottles of formula at school, but still breastfeeding when I was with him. This, however, was not going well either. He would get extremely frustrated with me and literally pound at my chest to get more of a let down. He would fling his head back and cry. I started trying to pump all the time and give him breast milk in a bottle, so I would know he was getting enough to be full. This did not last long either, as I would need to pump twice to get one bottle, so I would still have to supplement. I decide in month 7 that this whole charade had to end. My body wasn't producing enough and my son was not happy; therefore I was not happy. After a long email chain with Joanna, she helped me realize that it was OK to stop. I had done my best and gave my son a great start. I slowly started to feel proud instead of wanting to cry everyday (which is how I felt every single day since I went back to work).
I started weaning him in March and it did not take long at all. This only affirmed my decision to stop. I barely felt engorged. I cut out feedings after a day or two and soon we were completely weaned, except for the early morning feed. I could not stop everything just yet. I couldn't let go, so I would get him when he woke up around 5-5:30am and bring him to my bed and feed him. I knew that I didn't have much left in there, but he didn't need much at that time. We both sort of did it more for comfort than for nutrition. However, we stopped that by the end of March too and by the time I went to Jersey for my birthday we were all done. No pump to pack, no breastfeeding wrap for the plane. Just me, my happy little man, and his bottles.
Now, I anxiously await the return of "my friend" and have already seen my hormones fiercely out of whack. I was downright nasty two weeks ago to everyone and I could feel myself having no patience with anyone or anything. I hope this doesn't last too long because I may loose my job and husband if it does, but this is just another thing to add to the joys of being a woman.
I must say for all the crap that us women deal with, I wouldn't trade it for anything because we are lucky enough to be able to be mothers. I got to experience pregnancy, which is a phenomenon like no other. I carried Connor and nurtured him for 9 months. I gave birth to him and cannot even explain how amazing it is to feel an instant love for someone. I will spend the rest of my life nurturing, loving, teaching, and caring for him and I consider myself the luckiest person in the world for that. So bring on the hormones and crazy emotions because I am lucky enough to be a mother (to the most amazing little man) and experience everything that comes along with it.
I know it's about a week early, but Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are as lucky I as I am.
And boy am I lucky...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Doing fine in month 9!
Today Connor turned 9 monts old!! My prediction of last month was right; not only did he pop a tooth, he now has two! Both of his bottom ones have sprouted and although it was rough few days (and nights) he looks mighty cute with them. I'm not sure of what my next prediction should be. I'd like to say he may take his first steps, but I know that seems a little early. Although, I never know what to expect with this kid. For now, we are having a great time and he just seems to get bigger (and cuter) by the day. He is now just an ounce shy of 19lbs and just over 28 inches long.
Sitting up

and standing tall
Sitting up
and standing tall
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wuz up, cuz?
I know I refer to pretty much everyone in my family as Connor's cousins because that's what us Italians do, but this past week Connor actually got to meet some of his only true first cousins. Kevin drove down from MA with Michael, Britt, and Alex, so they could all meet Connor and spend their Spring Break in Florida. He was kept very busy and he held his own keeping up with his older cousins. Connor took his first trip to the bowling ally where he loved looking at the arcade games. He also went on his first trip to the Miami Seaquarium where he slept the day away in the Baby Bjorn, until the music at the dolphin show woke him right up. Britt was a super mother's helper and even fed Connor some solids, which is not an easy task. We all had a great time and I am so thankful that they came to see us. We hope it wont be long before we see them again (next time in Boston).
Monday, April 19, 2010
1st word????
After several times of hearing it, I finally caught it on video! Although Mark says he is just mumbling, it sounds a lot like "momma" to me!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Jersey - Round 2
I have been very behind in my post recently, so I am trying to catch up. Connor went on his second trip to Jersey over Easter weekend and luckily it went just as smoothly as the first. He was perfect on the plane and was even good on the flight home despite the fact that we got delayed for 45 minutes before take-off.
Getting an Easter basket from the Trishka's
Quick side story - The delay was due to an elderly woman (shocking, on a flight to Florida, right?) who began throwing up before we all even boarded the plane. Of course, thanks to the "families with small children" early boarding, I got to sit there and watch her get sick (all over the woman next to her mind you) and then watch as they needed about 15 people to clean it up and change out the seat. The most amusing part for me (and a fellow Red Sox fan next to us) was the fact that the man she was with actually stayed on the plane when they kicked her off. The man was wearing a Yankees shirt. Need I say more?
Anyway, the trip was wonderful. I got to celebrate my 32nd (gulp) birthday with my family and spend Easter there for the first time since we moved to Florida. Easter is one of my favorite holidays with my family. It's always fun, the food is always good, and the egg hunt is always hysterical. This year's "big egg" winner was Super Joe, but I am sure I would have beat him to it, if I didn't have a baby in my arms and a drink in the other (my first in 18 months and it was delicious).
Ill let the pictures tell the rest of the story:
Getting an Easter basket from the Trishka's
Monday, March 29, 2010
8 is GREAT!
Yesterday Connor celebrated his 8 month birthday! This last month was a big deal for him because he finally became mobile. He is crawling everywhere now and testing mommy's nerves by pulling himself up to standing every chance he gets (especially in his crib). My next prediction...this month we finally get a tooth!

My 8 month old little man:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bargain Shopper
If you have ever been in my car you have seen I drive around with a folder full of coupons (hey, times are tight). I love getting a deal, especially now since diapers and baby food run out fast in our house. Well, I guess my son gets a kick out of coupons too because he was cracking up when I was going through the mail yesterday. This was just too cute not to share - his laugh is contagious.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Taste of Freedom
It was 9 seconds to be exact, but what an exciting 9 seconds it was! Connor finally figured out how to crawl forward. Right now he cant make it more than a few moves forward without falling on his belly, but he gets right back up and tries again. Guess it's time to baby-proof the house!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Risky Business
I have to start this post by giving my brother-in-law full credit. Connor had his first picture day at pre-school on Tuesday. On Monday, I had to go get him a new outfit for the big event. Then, I had to make sure it fit, so we had a little fashion show. I took the below picture while trying on the clothes and as Stevie put it - "he looks like he is auditioning for Tom Cruise's role in Risky Business". What a perfect description! Here is my little business man...(minus the sunglasses and air guitar)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Lucky 7
My little man is 7 months old today! I cannot believe how fast time flies, but I try to enjoy every single moment and new milestone. He is great at sitting up, starting to eat more solids (although he is still picky), and is starting to grow into his personality. You can tell that he wants to crawl so badly and he has perfected getting up on all fours, rocking back and forth, and then falling down. So, I say it will be lucky #7 and he will be on the move sometime this month. Ill be sure to post video when that happens. Until then, my little munchkin is nothing but smiles...and what a smile it is!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A fall from grace...literally
Well, it finally happened.
Last Thursday, I found myself standing in the pediatrician's office in tears uttering the words "but I only took my eyes off him for 2 seconds" - words I swore I would never say. When I tell you it happened in about two seconds, I mean it. I put Connor on my bed surrounded by pillows, as I have done every morning, while I get the last thing I need to leave for work (my shoes). Suddenly, I heard a loud THUMP and I turned only to find my precious baby on the floor looking up at me. Of course I freaked out! He started crying, which then had me in tears. I grabbed my phone and called Mark. I am still not sure why he was the first person I called. Yes, he is my husband; however he is not a doctor, has never had a baby who fell off a bed, and is known to be quite a smart ass, but I called him nonetheless. I must say in times of crisis he manages to refrain from wisecracks and calm me down. He just told me to call the doctor and not to worry. I called the doctor, they told me to come in and I flew out of the house (faster than I ever would for work). When I arrived at the doctors office, they took us in right away and this is how the conversation with the nurse went:
Nurse: "What brings you in today?"
Me: "My son fell off my bed"
Nurse: "When?"
Me: "About 20 minutes ago"
Nurse: "Was it tile or carpet?"
Me: "Carpet"
Nurse: "Did he blackout?"
Me: "Oh god, no!"
Nurse: "I am sure he is fine, these things happen ALL the time"
Me: sniff, sniff "I know, but I am always that person that says, how did that dipshit parent let that happen and now I am standing here and I AM that dipshit parent!" sniff, sniff
The nurse proceeded to hug me, give me a tissue, and tell me that she once forgot to buckle her daughter's car seat and her 2 week old baby slipped right out onto the floor. That made me feel much better, (although I later began to question how my doctor could hire a pediatric nurse who dropped her own baby on the floor). Needless to say Connor was perfectly fine, not a scratch or bump to be found. That night I was not surprised though when I saw him up on all fours. He hasn't crawled, although he does this backwards scooting thing, so I am sure crawling isn't too far off now.
After the incident, I was flooded with stories from my friends and family whose babies have fallen off the bed, out of the crib, off a changing table, from a high chair, been lifted up into a ceiling fan (that was on), and even flipped out of a shopping cart (at a liquor store no less). Now, I am not ashamed, but proud to say I am one of those parents too because I am not a dipshit, I am only human and we learn from our mistakes. (Although, I am very happy babies are made to survive us 1st time parents)
Last Thursday, I found myself standing in the pediatrician's office in tears uttering the words "but I only took my eyes off him for 2 seconds" - words I swore I would never say. When I tell you it happened in about two seconds, I mean it. I put Connor on my bed surrounded by pillows, as I have done every morning, while I get the last thing I need to leave for work (my shoes). Suddenly, I heard a loud THUMP and I turned only to find my precious baby on the floor looking up at me. Of course I freaked out! He started crying, which then had me in tears. I grabbed my phone and called Mark. I am still not sure why he was the first person I called. Yes, he is my husband; however he is not a doctor, has never had a baby who fell off a bed, and is known to be quite a smart ass, but I called him nonetheless. I must say in times of crisis he manages to refrain from wisecracks and calm me down. He just told me to call the doctor and not to worry. I called the doctor, they told me to come in and I flew out of the house (faster than I ever would for work). When I arrived at the doctors office, they took us in right away and this is how the conversation with the nurse went:
Nurse: "What brings you in today?"
Me: "My son fell off my bed"
Nurse: "When?"
Me: "About 20 minutes ago"
Nurse: "Was it tile or carpet?"
Me: "Carpet"
Nurse: "Did he blackout?"
Me: "Oh god, no!"
Nurse: "I am sure he is fine, these things happen ALL the time"
Me: sniff, sniff "I know, but I am always that person that says, how did that dipshit parent let that happen and now I am standing here and I AM that dipshit parent!" sniff, sniff
The nurse proceeded to hug me, give me a tissue, and tell me that she once forgot to buckle her daughter's car seat and her 2 week old baby slipped right out onto the floor. That made me feel much better, (although I later began to question how my doctor could hire a pediatric nurse who dropped her own baby on the floor). Needless to say Connor was perfectly fine, not a scratch or bump to be found. That night I was not surprised though when I saw him up on all fours. He hasn't crawled, although he does this backwards scooting thing, so I am sure crawling isn't too far off now.
After the incident, I was flooded with stories from my friends and family whose babies have fallen off the bed, out of the crib, off a changing table, from a high chair, been lifted up into a ceiling fan (that was on), and even flipped out of a shopping cart (at a liquor store no less). Now, I am not ashamed, but proud to say I am one of those parents too because I am not a dipshit, I am only human and we learn from our mistakes. (Although, I am very happy babies are made to survive us 1st time parents)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
On Solid Ground
Connor has started solids, although I have yet to find anything he really likes. I tried to stay on the path of veggies first, but everything I have given him ends up on the side of his face. Then last week, I caved in and gave him bananas and STILL NOTHING! I guess Ill just keep trying and hope that something triggers a love for food (like his mom and dad have). Until then, he looks really really adorable with carrots all over his face.

Monday, February 1, 2010
Half way there!
Connor is officially half way to his 1st birthday!! I cannot believe 6 months has gone by already! We celebrated his big 6 month milestone with an introduction to the world of solid foods! I feel like I have been waiting for this day for months (6 to be exact). We went to the doctor for his check up and were given the green light on solids. I decided to start with rice cereal, but he wasn't a big fan so we have moved on to veggies now. He got his first sampling of peas last night and although he didn't eat much, he managed to take in a few spoonfuls (just enough for some interesting diapers this morning).
My little man is getting so big too. He now weighs 16 lbs and is 27 inches tall. I think he takes after his G-Pop because there isn't much tall and skinny going on in our house.
Connor dressed for success on his half birthday:
My little man is getting so big too. He now weighs 16 lbs and is 27 inches tall. I think he takes after his G-Pop because there isn't much tall and skinny going on in our house.
Connor dressed for success on his half birthday:
Monday, January 11, 2010
The next Picasso
Just in case I ever loose this, I wanted to make sure I had a picture of it somewhere. I mean, who knows, my son may one day become one of the most talented artists of his generation (something I doubt, but hey "yanvano"). Here is Connor's very first art project from daycare. At just 5 months old, I think he shows some real talent. I mean look at those crooked little fingers - I am sure that has to be some new art movement that no one has discovered yet.
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