This week has been the week from hell (to put it nicely). Tuesday morning Connor had his 18 month check up. He is up to 24.5 lbs and has grown to 31.5 inches. He only needed one shot, which turned out to be easiest part of his day.
Over these past 18 months I have realized that my munchkin loves animals. He absolutely adores dogs and his love for birds is apparent, but recently he has started to really become fascinated by all animals. Every single morning, without fail, he drags his farm out and plays with it. He is obsessed with the Baby MacDonald DVD he got for Christmas and he even has an almost perfect rendition of the chorus (E-I-E-I-O) down pact. The reason I point this out is because our pediatrician has a big fish tank in the waiting room and Connor loves it. When we were getting ready leave Tuesday, he refused to put his coat on and went running away from me heading straight for the fish tank - then he fell. He tripped over his own two feet, like he has done a million times before, but this time he hit the window sill and got a nasty little cut right above/next to his eye. Of course, I freaked. In my defense this is a natural reaction when you pick up your toddler to make sure he is ok and see blood all over his eye. The receptionist quickly got a nurse and we went back into an exam room. The pediatrician came back in to take a look and she said he was definitely going to need stitches. My heart just sank. Next they gave me the address for the closest hospital. This I don't understand (and I will find out when we go to get the stitches removed) why the pediatrician can't/won't do stitches. Anyway, driving to the ER (alone) with your baby in the back crying and bleeding, is NOT something I ever want to do again. Needless to say, after 4 long hours, my little boy had two stitches. He was a real trooper! I know my little man is a spirited, strong-willed, independent, curious little guy, so I am sure this isn't the first time he's going to get a bump or bruise, but I didn't think his first stitches would be at just a year and a half. He certainly does keep me on my toes.
As for the rest of the week from hell (as I so nicely referred to it earlier). We got more snow. Yup, that's right. MORE SNOW! As if it were even possible. We have had 6 snowstorms in 6 weeks. The most snow the area has seen in 6 years AND it's only January. Before this last storm, Boston had a total of 49 inches of snow so far. Last year, they had 28 inches for the whole winter. (Do you see how I am really trying to drive a point home??). Anyway, I woke up early Thursday to start digging out, so I could get to work. Connor had to come with me since the day care was closed (again). After I spent 45 minutes digging out and then another 15 trying to actually get the truck out of the snow, I realized I had a flat tire. Of all things to happen this week. I had already missed work for the day in the ER and now I have a flat! Luckily my father-in-law was home and did not have to work that day, so I was able to take his truck. Today, the tire is being checked out because it is leaking air and I am getting an automatic starter put in. I cant deal with another day of making Connor sit in a freezing cold car while it warms up. Of course, with my luck, the rest of the winter will be 50+ degrees and Ill never need it (if only I was that lucky).
Needless to say, I am very happy it's Friday. And a very important Friday it is because Connor is officially 18 months old today! Happy Year and Half Birthday, little Buddy! You have literally turned my world upside down and I couldn't be happier about it. I love you more than you can imagine and I am amazed that through all the changes of the past few months, you just continue to smile and roll with the punches (and falls). To quote Uncle Moose "YOU ARE THE BEST"!

My sometimes goofy,

always smiling,

little man.

And my best friend
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