Ever since Connor was just a little peanut in my belly, we knew Florida isn't where we wanted him to grow up. No offense to any of our Floridian friends, but our immediate families are just too far away and I desperately wanted Connor to grow up knowing his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We both starting applying for jobs and I just happened to get lucky. I ended up interviewing a few times with Goodwin Procter and by some miracle they actually offered me a job! I accepted and the packing began. Connor and I made the big move out of Florida on Halloween weekend. We are staying with Uncle Steve, who has literally flipped his life upside down for us! Mark is still in Florida with Mayhem. It's been a tough 8 weeks separated, but we are working on selling the house in Florida, getting a house in MA, and Mark finding a job in Boston. We hope to have it all come together by early Spring, so we can finally all be in one spot again! We have seen Mark at least once a month, so that has helped, but I have to say I have a whole new found respect for single parents! It is not an easy job to do alone and I am looking forward to having my other half back with us soon.
As for Connor, he is doing great!! He has adjusted amazingly well! He is having a good time at his Uncle Steve's place and likes to visit Nana and Grampy downstairs. He has instantly formed a bond with all this cousins, aunts and uncles. It makes me so happy to see him playing with Alex, Britt and Michael and dancing with cousin Kevin in the halls of the house. It is the reason we made the move and I couldn't be happier for him. As for my family, my parents and brother have been visiting a lot and we are all so happy that we are now only a car ride away. We went to Jersey for Christmas and got to see the whole family, which was so nice. We are planning another trip (weather permitting for the long weekend in January). I love that we can be there for all the big family parties and not have to worry about the cost of flight anymore. It is GREAT to be back up North!
Now we have a had a few milestones in the past couple of months and Ill try hard to remember when it all happened. Connor just turned 17 months the week after Christmas. He is really becoming a little boy all of the sudden. He has such a personality and keeps me laughing all the time. He is talking a lot more and the words are starting to make sense. He LOVES birds (thanks to his G-Pop) and is a big fan of buses too (thanks to Boston for giving him more buses than he can yell for). He has started to develop a love for music that is just too cute. He loves dancing around the room to any kind of beat. He has 10 teeth now (two of which are molars - that was a rough week to say the least) and is finally starting to eat a little bit more. He is still an incredibly picky eater and has some major texture issues, but we are slowing getting there. Just last night he ate some mac and cheese and honeydew melon all by himself with a fork. It's amazing how big he is getting.
Ill post a few recent pictures just so you all can see how big he has gotten and I promise to be back on my game with this blog thing in 2011! We wish you all the best in the new year!!

Christmas Eve bath (getting all ready for Santa)

His most favorite present at Christmas (the box)

My little toddler

Our annual Christmas picture (where no one is looking at the right camera)

Hello gorgeous!
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